Now showing items 403-422 of 501

    • Simpson, Miles (2015-08-06)
      The author tests the idea that mobility can lead to anomie in societies where mobility is uncommon, less so in a society with greater mobility. He analyzed data from Costa Rica, Mexico and the U.S. in the Five Nation Survey. ...
    • Slaughter, Diana T.; McWhorter, Gerald A. (Texas A&M University. Libraries, 1981?)
    • Bernstein, Mark (2004-09-30)
    • Humphreys, Paul; Berger, Joseph (2015-08-15)
      Humphreys, a logician,and Berger, a sociological theorist, derive five theorems from the theory in Berger et al. (1977). Some of the theorems formally account for the link of status inequality to inequality in group structure ...
    • Badr, Hanan (2020-06-08)
      Invisible struggles of an academic mom whose lifework has been labeled not system critical
    • Anand, Lakshmi (2020-05-30)
      A family, split in two, has oscillated between two continents for years now and does not find the quarantine debilitating.
    • Zelditch, Morris Jr; Berger, Joseph; Cohen, Bernard P (2015-07-14)
      The authors develop theoretical foundation for ideas in earlier technical reports and elsewhere on status consistency, focusing on effects for organizations. When inconsistent ranks of individuals and jobs become salient, ...
    • Stephens, Paul; Stephens, Paul (2008-07-30)
      A brief biography of Staff Sergeant James C. Stephens Jr., a member of the 42nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) of the Eleventh Bombardment Group (Heavy), United States Army Air Force.
    • Cohen, Bernard P (2015-07-26)
      Cohen’s intention here is to show how certain general principles of sociological theory can explain certain historical aspects of interracial behavior. Writing for a general, as distinct from a sociological, audience, Cohen ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Cohen, Bernard P.; Zelditch, Morris Jr. (2015-07-19)
      This is the first statement of the theory of status characteristics and expectation states and a form of the manuscipt was published by the authors (1966). The theory generalizes the theory of performance expectations first ...
    • Fisek, M. Hamit; Norman, Robert Z.; Nelson-Kilger, Max (Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1989)
      The authors theoretically derive f(i) parameter values for use in calculating relative expectations (ep – eo) in the graph model of the theory of status characteristics and expectation states. This WP was published by the ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Cohen, Bernard P.; Conner, Thomas L.; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2015-07-21)
      This technical report describes how status inequality can produce similar inequality of expectation states, and how the interaction process is affected by the status generalization process. It elaborates some ideas in the ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Cohen, Bernard P; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2015-08-10)
      The authors review literature on effects of status differences on interaction and formulate general principles of status generalization to explain them. Next they conduct direct tests of the explanation in an experimental ...
    • Balkwell, James W. (JAI Press, 1991)
      The author compares and evaluates variant theories proposed in the literature for the processing of status information and effects of expectation states on behavior. The issue was to determine conditions under which, if ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Zeldtich, Morris Jr; Anderson, Bo; Cohen, Bernard P (2015-07-28)
      The authors develop a theory of structural and interactional factors involved in processes by which evaluations from others can affect one’s self-evaluation. The theory defines an effective “source” of evaluations, and ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Zelditch, Morris Jr; Anderson, Bo; Cohen, Bernard P. (2017-08-24)
      This is a revision of TR#24. It expands the discussion of conditions for stability, adding the idea of cliques that support stable self-evaluations.
    • Kimberly, James C; Crosbie, Paul V; Lehr, Eugene W (2015-07-28)
      This technical report is a further elaboration of the exchange-based theory of status consistency and individuals’ reactions to various patterns that was presented in technical report 21. The extended theory predicts ...
    • Kimberly, James C. (2015-07-19)
      James C. Kimberly’s theory is an alternate to the theory developed in TR#7 and to other theories of status inconsistency. Kimberly posits that individuals take their least changeable (ascribed) rank as the focal rank and ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Rosenholtz, Susan J; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2015-08-15)
      The authors review theoretical and empirical work related to the theory of status characteristics and expectation states to this date,1980.
    • Alexander, C Norman Jr (2015-08-06)
      The general issue in this report is whether one’s position in a hierarchy affects how one judges other positions. Important instances include judging occupational prestige and distributive justice. The author briefly ...