Cordaitean Predation Photos 2019: Mounted Peels, Harvard Collection. Plate 04


A mature cordaitean cone (picture 1) containing 41 golden coprolites desposited throughout the cone. Coprolites are primiarly composed of cuticle and highly macerated pollen grains of Florinites (picture 2 and 3).


These images were used in the research for a master's thesis from the Texas A&M University Dept. of Geology and Geophysics (Date of submission: May 2020).
Images were taken from slides on loan from the Harvard Paleobotanical Herbarium.
Mature Cone
Pollen in coprolites are highly macerated.
Mounted peels were made by William C. Darrah.


Pollen Cone, Mature Cone, Strobilus, Cordaites, Arthopods, Desmoinian North American Stage (Desmoinesian), Coal Ball Peels, Golden Coprolites, String, Florinites
