Physical, Mechanical, and Other Properties of Selected Secondary Species in Surinam, Peru, Colombia, Nigeria, Gabon, Philippines, and Malaysia
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Office of Science and Technology Agency for International Development
This report is a partial response to a Participating Agency Service Agreement between the Agency for International Development and the USDA, Forest Service (PASA Control No. TA(AJ)2-73) and concerns a study of the factors influencing the utilization of the tropical forest resource. The purpose of this portion of the PASA obligation is to present previously published information on the tree and wood characteristics of selected secondary species growing m seven tropical countries. The format is concise and follows the outline developed for the second edition of the "Handbook of Hardwoods" published by HMSO, London. Species selected for review are well known in the source countries, but make up a very small component, if any, of their export trade. The reasons why these species play a secondary role in the timber harvest are discussed in the other accompanying PASA reports.
"FPL-AID-PASA TA(Aj)2-73 (Species Properties)". "ARC No. 634.9 - C 559a" Building Materials/Natural Materials/Timber, Wood. (301.1L)
The digital Cuny Archive was made available in part through funding assistance from USAID.
The digital Cuny Archive was made available in part through funding assistance from USAID.