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dc.creatorGilbert, J. S.
dc.creatorNiess, R. C.
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the role that a consultant can play in the acceptance of applied heat pumps by industry (the key word is "industry"). Unfortunately, there are very few engineers in practice today with expertise in this specialized area of energy conservation technology. In this discussion, we will define the industrial heat pump, review experience and training opportunities, discuss some of the pitfalls that frequently occur, review related issues, outline the overall context of the technology in heat recovery, mention contractual approaches, and project design objectives and manufacturer and utility relations. This paper offers suggestions for those who may want to gain or enhance their reputations as consultants in this market.en
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (
dc.subjectIndustrial Heat Pumpsen
dc.subjectExperience and Training Opportunitiesen
dc.subjectHeat Recoveryen
dc.subjectContractual Approachesen
dc.subjectProject Designen
dc.subjectManufacturer-Utility Relationsen
dc.titleThe Role of the Consultant in Marketing Industrial Heat Pumpsen

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