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dc.creatorRamasubramanian, Srividya
dc.descriptionMedia Rise's Early Rise Singapore poster/flier. Meaningful media. Critical media literacy. Diversity and media. Community-based participatory initiatives. Media and social justice. Media for social change. Inclusive communication.en
dc.description.abstractPoster/flier for Early Rise Singapore event in 2014. This document provides information for sponsors and collaborators about our mission, vision, and plans for the Media Rise 2015 festival. Established in 2013, Media Rise is a global nonprofit alliance that connects people and ideas to promote meaningful media. We believe in the power of positive storytelling, media, art and design to make the world a better place. We empower people to create and consume meaningful media that promotes universal human values such as compassion, empathy and respect. We celebrate success stories of how to unleash the power of media to accelerate social change. We encourage collaboration between cause-driven creatives, media professionals, educators, and government and nonprofit leaders to amplify their collective impact.en
dc.description.sponsorshipMedia Rise (
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectMedia Rise, community-based research, participatory research, critical media effects, diversity, inclusion, media literacy, meaningful mediaen
dc.titleMedia Rise - Early Rise Singapore 2014en

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