Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Hartberg, Yasha; Hartberg, Yasha (2021-08-29)
      To launch the Issues in Science and Technology Journalism course, I start with some ice-breaking activities, go over the syllabus, and introduce communication theory.
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-09-20)
      Few things in this world are straightforward. It would be nice if scientific information flowed neatly from scientists to journalists to the public, but it doesn’t. For much of the rest of the semester, we’ll be exploring ...
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-09-27)
      At some point in your career, you will have to decide just what kind of science journalism to engage in. You might think I mean, by this, what kind of job you want. Yes, that’s important, too, but what we’ll mostly be ...
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-09-13)
      In principle, there’s no absolute need for science and technology journalists. Scientists can, after all, communicate directly with the public. Indeed, some do and do so quite effectively. Others try and fail spectacularly. ...
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-09-06)