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dc.creatorByrd, Aaron
dc.creatorCui, Huijuan
dc.creatorSingh, Vijay P.
dc.description.abstractUsing the entropy theory, this paper derives an instantaneous unit sediment graph (IUSG or USG) to determine sediment discharge and the relation between sediment yield and runoff volume. The derivation of IUSG requires an expression of the effective sediment erosion intensity whose relation with rainfall is revisited. The entropy theory provides an efficient way to estimate the parameters involved in the derivations. Sediment discharge is also computed using the instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH), which can also be derived using the entropy theory. This method works as well as the IUSG method, especially when the peak sediment discharge and peak runoff occur at the same time. The entropy theory yields the probability distribution of sediment yield and of sediment discharge, which can then be used to estimate uncertainty in sediment yield prediction.en
dc.subjectEntropy theoryen
dc.subjectSediment yielden
dc.subjectSediment dischargeen
dc.subjectUnit hydrographen
dc.subjectUnit sediment graphen
dc.titleSediment Graphs Based on Entropy Theoryen
local.departmentBiological and Agricultural Engineering (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences)en

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