Now showing items 41-60 of 80

    • Ciftci, Tolga (2013-05-01)
      As digital books begin to take center stage in our lives the importance of the old printed book still lingers on. A large number of the books printed on the paper media still have much to offer to readers for various reasons ...
    • Yan, Yue (2016-03-02)
      With the digitization of information, discoveries of events that previously took much human effort can now be found automatically. As example, we investigate several scandals in the art and antiques area that occurred ...
    • Singh, Swati (2015-04-30)
      The Walden’s Paths Project is used by different communities in order to create and use linear paths that link to documents available on the web. Walden’s Paths has been implemented as a web application using Drupal where ...
    • Poursardar, Faryaneh (2018-12-10)
      Systems for retrieving or archiving Internet resources often assume a URL acts as a delimiter for the resource. But there are many situations where Internet resources do not have a one-to-one mapping with URLs. For URLs ...
    • Meneses Macchiavello, Luis Davi (2016-07-05)
      It is not unusual for digital collections to degrade and suffer from problems associated with unexpected change. In previous analyses, I have found that categorizing the degree of change affecting a digital collection over ...
    • Singh, Sanjeev Kumar (2014-05-22)
      Understanding what are the regions of a webpage and the functions of those regions is important for many services over web pages, including screen readers, web search, and assessing web-page similarity. In this thesis, we ...
    • Zubair, Juwairia (Texas A&M University, 2008-10-10)
      Researchers analyze images in areas such as geology, bat cardiovascular systems and art studies to verify their observations. Some images are hard to study as their details are not vivid; hence there is a need to enhance ...
    • Riddle, Austin Christopher (Texas A&M University, 2008-10-10)
      Training emergency response decision makers using live, virtual and/or constructive simulations can be highly complex since certain situations can generate stimulusresponse cycles that depend significantly on unpredictable ...
    • Singh, Manas Sourava (Texas A&M University, 2006-08-16)
      Digital libraries are widely used for organizing and presenting large collections of artifacts. However, as the digital libraries grow in size, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the user to find all the resources ...
    • Liu, Zhijiao (2015-12-02)
      Local experts are critical for many location-sensitive information needs, and yet there is a research gap in our understanding of the factors impacting who is recognized as a local expert and in methods for discovering ...
    • Bandyopadhyay, Sanghita (2016-05-05)
      In recent years, identifying experts has gained significant attention in the research area. The main motivation behind it is to facilitate the process of locating the correct individual capable of answering our queries. ...
    • Barthwal, Himanshu (2015-07-13)
      A range of mobile applications allow individuals to create geo-located content using location-based services like Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter. This location-based sharing creates new opportunities for users to associate ...
    • Van Huyck, Carl Phillips (2018-04-26)
      In this thesis, I demonstrate the feasibility of linear regression with 4 × 4 matrices to perform color transformations, specifically looking at the case of color transformations in reflections. I compare and analyze the ...
    • Dixon, Daniel M. (2010-07-14)
      When asked to draw, most people are hesitant because they believe themselves unable to draw well. A human instructor can teach students how to draw by encouraging them to practice established drawing techniques and by ...
    • Karadkar, Unmil Purushottam (2012-02-14)
      Mobile phones, tablet computers, laptops, desktops, and large screen displays are increasingly available to individuals for information access, often simultaneously. Dominant content access protocols, such as HTTP/1.1, do ...
    • Kamath, Krishna Y (2013-05-28)
      Real-time social systems are the fastest growing phenomena on the web, enabling millions of users to generate, share, and consume content on a massive scale. These systems are manifestations of a larger trend toward the ...
    • Alhoori, Hamed (2015-08-06)
      The significant proliferation of scholarly output and the emergence of multidisciplinary research areas are rendering the research environment increasingly complex. In addition, an increasing number of researchers are using ...
    • Alvarez Xochihua, Omar (2012-07-16)
      Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) have a significant educational impact on student's learning. However, researchers report time intensive interaction is needed between ITS developers and domain-experts to gather and ...
    • Nauman, Muhammad (2021-05-04)
      A problem that exists in the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library at the Texas A&M University is that there is no easy way to organize a database of images incorporating good filtering, tagging, and large cropping capabilities. ...
    • Yun, Unil (Texas A&M University, 2007-04-25)
      Researchers have proposed frequent pattern mining algorithms that are more efficient than previous algorithms and generate fewer but more important patterns. Many techniques such as depth first/breadth first search, use ...