Now showing items 1-20 of 56

    • Liu, Tong-Xian; Sparks Jr., Alton N. (2001-08-10)
      At least five species of aphids attack cruciferous crops (cabbage, collards, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and others). This publication explains the characteristics that can help producers identify aphids and the damage ...
    • Isakeit, Thomas (1999-06-28)
      Bacterial fruit blotch is a disease occurring sporadically in almost all areas of Texas where watermelons are grown. This publication discusses symptoms, diagnosis and disease development and management.
    • Bagworms 
      Drees, Bastiaan M. (2008-07-02)
      Bagworms are a pest of evergreens and many broadleaved plants. If left unchecked, they can completely defoliate trees and shrubs. This publication explains how to identify the various bagworm species in Texas and how to ...
    • Ball Moss 
      Crow, William T. (2000-04-18)
      Ball moss is a bromeliad that grows on trees. It is not a parasite and does not take nutrients from trees. It can be controlled, if desired, by mechanical removal or by applying fungicides that contain copper.
    • Barr, Charles L. (2005-10-17)
      This guide addresses common questions from both consumers and professional pesticide applicators about using broadcast baits to control fire ants. It covers bait basics, treatment method choices, applicator and environmental ...
    • Drees, Bastiaan M.; Jackman, John A. (1999-07-14)
      This two-poster set features dramatic photographs of butterflies, caterpillars and plants that attract them. These decorative posters provide information on how to raise caterpillars and attract butterflies to a home garden. ...
    • Brown, Wizzie (2004-09-17)
      Centipedes and millipedes are not usually considered to be destructive pests. However, centipedes will bite, and millipedes give off a repugnant odor when handled. This publication lists many ways to control these pests ...
    • Ong, Kevin (2007-10-30)
      This publication helps retailers and consumers identify products that control plant diseases. To clear up confusion about the names of the chemicals, the publication cross-references their common names with their chemical ...
    • Chiggers 
      Moore, Glen C.; Merchant, Michael E. (2005-11-04)
      This publication explains how to identify and avoid chiggers and treat chigger bites.
    • Merchant, Michael E.; Mott, Dale (2006-10-17)
      Chinch bugs can be extremely damaging to home lawns. Their feeding causes small yellow or brown areas in lawns. Chinch bugs can usually be seen on careful inspection of the soil surface. Insecticides provide effective control.
    • Johnk, Janell (2000-01-11)
      This publication describes the symptoms and management of the common rose diseases--black spot, powdery mildew and viruses. It includes a 5-step guide to healthier roses.
    • Knutson, Allen E.; Ree, Bill (2005-03-31)
      One of the most important nut-infesting pests of pecan is the pecan nut casebearer. This publication describes the casebearer and its seasonal cycle, and offers advice on scouting, trapping, insecticide selection, and ...
    • Knutson, Allen E.; Ree, Bill (2001-04-11)
      One of the most important nut-infesting pests of pecan is the pecan nut casebearer. This publication describes the casebearer and its seasonal cycle, and offers advice on scouting, trapping, insecticide selection, and ...
    • Ree, Bill; Knutson, Allen E.; Harris, Marvin (2005-04-05)
      The pecan weevil is a key pest of pecan in portions of Texas. This publication discusses the biology of the pest and how to use integrated pest management practices for control. Photographs illustrate adult and larval ...
    • Patrick, Carl D. (2002-05-22)
      Elm leaf beetles damage all varieties of elm trees. Learn how to identify this insect and understand its biology and life cycle. There are suggestions for controlling elm leaf beetles, as well as a table of insecticides ...
    • Ong, Kevin (2003-03-12)
      This leaflet describes the fungus Entomosporium, which attacks photinia and Indian hawthorn plants. The publication describes the disease cycle and recommends cultural practices to control and treat the disease.
    • Ree, Bill (2004-10-08)
      The fall webworm is a common pest of trees and shrubs. This insect produces unsightly webs, and repeated infestations can damage plants. Control methods are most successful when one understands the pest's life cycle. This ...
    • Drees, Bastiaan M.; Schofield, Kimberly; Brown, Elizabeth; Nester, Paul; Keck, Molly; Flanders, K. (2008-03-27)
      There may not be one "best way to control fire ants, but this publication can help you find the most cost-effective and environmentally sound method for each situation. It includes information on fire ant identification, ...
    • Drees, Bastiaan M.; Reinert, James; Williams, Michael L. (2006-11-30)
      This publication explains how to control Florida wax scales, which have begun attacking hollies in Texas. 6 pp., 4 photos
    • Philley, George L. (2004-02-23)
      This publication lists chemicals for controlling diseases in fruits and nuts, including apples, apricots, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, mayhaw, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears, pecans, strawberries and ...