Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Ford, Joan Butler; Zelditch, Morris Jr (Social Psychological Quarterly, 1988)
      a. This WP continues investigations in WP 84-3 and 84-10. The authors report an experiment in which they varied the expected likelihood that an advantaged central actor would punish others for attempting to change an ...
    • Zelditch, Morris Jr; Ford, Joan Butler (Transaction Publishers, 1985)
      The authors develop a definition of potential power—what an actor could to another actor if the first cared strongly enough about something—and explore its properties. Experimental research shows that potential power affects ...
    • Ford, Joan Butler; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2017-08-16)
      a. This WP continues the investigation in WP 84-3. There, they found that influence accepted by an actor S was negatively related to a central person’s (C) power even if S did not know how C’s preferences or how likely C ...