Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Kruse, Ronald J; Anbar, Michael; Burns, Sarah E; Cohen, Bernard P (2015-08-15)
      Research teams may be studied as social systems organized along dimensions of status, such as rights to evaluate others and to allocate rewards. “Status consistency” is the degree to which salient statuses an individual ...
    • Zelditch, Morris Jr; Anderson, Bo (2015-07-13)
      This theoretical paper addresses what was then called “status consistency” or “status crystallization.” Discrepant ranks on different characteristics such as income, occupational prestige, education, race, and religion ...
    • Zelditch, Morris Jr; Berger, Joseph; Cohen, Bernard P (2015-07-14)
      The authors develop theoretical foundation for ideas in earlier technical reports and elsewhere on status consistency, focusing on effects for organizations. When inconsistent ranks of individuals and jobs become salient, ...
    • Kimberly, James C; Crosbie, Paul V; Lehr, Eugene W (2015-07-28)
      This technical report is a further elaboration of the exchange-based theory of status consistency and individuals’ reactions to various patterns that was presented in technical report 21. The extended theory predicts ...