Final Environmental Statement, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Chocolate Bayou, Texas 194.56 .T42 G85 1978 GBAYen_US
dc.contributor.authorU.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division, Galveston Districten_US
dc.description188 pgs.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe proposed Federal action is improvement of the existing shallow-draft Chocolate Bayou, Texas navigation channel in Brazoria County, Texas and construction of a saltwater barrier in the bayou upstream of Liverpool, Texas. The proposed channel improvements consist of enlarging and periodically maintaining the existing locally constructed channel in Chocolate Bayou and the lower reaches of Chocolate Bayou to a depth of 12 feet over a bottom width of 125 feet for a distance of 8.2 miles from its connection with the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW). Materials dredged in construction and future maintenance of the project channel will be deposited in leveed land disposal areas. The proposed saltwater barrier will be fixed, low-level weir type structure constructed in the natural stream about 16.9 miles above the GIWW. (8.7 miles upstream of proposed channel improvement termination). The barrier will have a crest elevation of 1.63 feet above mean sea level and will include a mechanical boat lift for transporting small craft over it. Material excavated during saltwater barrier construction will be disposed of in areas on adjacent banks of the bayou and will be graded to drain.en_US
dc.geo-codeBrazoria Countyen_US
dc.geo-codeChocolate Bayouen_US
dc.geo-codeUnited Statesen_US
dc.history10/25/05 easen_US
dc.locationGBIC Circulating Collectionen_US
dc.placeGalveston, TXen_US
dc.publisherU.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division, Galveston Districten_US
dc.subjectgulf intracoastal waterwayen_US
dc.subjectcoastal zone managementen_US
dc.subjectwater qualityen_US
dc.subjectcoastal ecologyen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental impact analysisen_US
dc.titleFinal Environmental Statement, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Chocolate Bayou, Texasen_US
