Project Final Report: Role of Coastal Bend Organizational Stakeholders in Regional Recovery and Resilience Efforts

dc.creatorBrown, Stephanie
dc.creatorGoldsmith, Carol
dc.creatorHalperin Lisa
dc.creatorSeavey, Ian
dc.creatorWinarski, Kimberly
dc.creatorVedlitz, Arnold
dc.description.abstractSevere storms such as Hurricane Harvey that battered the Texas Gulf Coast in August 2017 not only stretch resources related to short-term rescue, safety and health, but also generate extensive discussion and planning to manage the long-term recovery as well as to improve the resilience of Texas Coastal communities. Any future planning, policies, and resource allocation strategies will reflect key local and state stakeholders’ views regarding risk, cost, capacity, and policy options (see, for example, Alexander, 2000; Adger et al. 2005; Comfort, Boin and Demchak, 2010; Portney, 2015; and Wenger, 2017). The project team designed and deployed a targeted in-depth survey of key stakeholders in the Texas Coastal Bend Region to identify their views on problem sources, risk perceptions, planning goals, policy evaluations, resource allocations, and patterns of interaction across groups related to recent environmental stressors like Harvey. The findings from this survey are reported below.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis material is based upon research supported by the Texas OneGulf RESTORE Center of Excellence Hurricane Harvey Decision-Support – Resilient Environments and Communities under award 1 RCEGR480001-01-00. Federal funding from the US Department of Treasury through the State of Texas under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012.en
dc.subjectCoastal Recoveryen
dc.subjectCoastal Resilienceen
dc.subjectOrganizational Stakeholdersen
dc.titleProject Final Report: Role of Coastal Bend Organizational Stakeholders in Regional Recovery and Resilience Effortsen
local.departmentInstitute for Science, Technology and Public Policyen


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