Britannia's Realm



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(Color) This card is unusual because although it measures and reads like a postcard, it has images on both sides. The "front" is printed in blue ink and underneath the title shows ships at sea and the phrase "Let us Be One." The horizon lists the following countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, New Foundland, and India. The "back" is called "Empire Day" and seems to have been produced or distributed by the Navy league. The card states the place of this particular celebration as Wandsworth, England, in 1918, underneath an image of the Union Flag. A chant by Helen Gray Cone is provided, and the verse is taken from "Heart of Oak," the official march song of the Royal Navy, written by David Garrick. This card is uninscribed and unposted.



World War (1914-1918), Poetry, Flags, Warships, Great Britain, Colonies
