Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Impact in the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP), Summary Report: Integrated NOx Emissions Savings from EE/RE Programs Statewide


This summary report shows the NOx emissions reductions from the energy-efficiency programs from multiple Texas State Agencies working under Senate Bill 5 and Senate Bill 7 in a uniform format to allow the TCEQ to consider the combined savings for Texas’ State Implementation Plan (SIP) planning purposes. This required that the analysis should include the integrated savings estimation from all projects projected through 2026 for both the annual and Ozone Season Period (OSP)1 NOx reductions. The year 2018 was used for the baseline year to estimate the emissions. The NOx emissions reductions from all these programs were calculated using estimated emissions factors for 2018 from the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) eGRID database, which had been specially prepared for this purpose.



energy efficiency, renewable energy, emissions
