Statewide 2020 Air Emission Calculations from Wind and Other Renewables VOL II

dc.creatorBaltazar, Juan-Carlos
dc.creatorHaberl, Jeff
dc.creatorYazdani, Bahman
dc.creatorClaridge, David
dc.creatorAzimi, Mitra
dc.creatorAhn, Jounghwan
dc.creatorSun, Yu
dc.creatorLi, Qinbo
dc.descriptionTechnical Appendix to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality report for the period of January 2020 – December 2020.en
dc.description.abstractThe 79th Legislature, through Senate Bill 20, House Bill 2481 and House Bill 2129, amended Senate Bill 5 to enhance its effectiveness by adding 5,880 MW of generating capacity from renewable energy technologies by 2015 and 500 MW from non-wind renewables. This legislation also requires the Public Utilities Commission of Texas (PUCT) to establish a target of 10,000 megawatts of installed renewable capacity by 2025, and requires the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to develop methodology for computing emissions reductions from renewable energy initiatives and the associated credits. In this Legislation, the function of the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) is to assist the TCEQ in quantifying emissions reductions credits from energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, through a contract with the TCEQ to develop and annually calculate creditable emissions reductions from wind and other renewable energy resources for the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The ESL, in fulfillment of its responsibilities under this Legislation, submits the annual report, “Statewide Air Emissions Calculations from Wind and Other Renewables,” to the TCEQ. The report is organized in several deliverables: 1. A summary report, which details the key areas of work, 2. Volume I report, which includes the main document of renewable energy projects and 3. Volume II technical appendix that includes all information and details about renewables (i.e., wind power, non-utility scale and utility-scale solar PV, solar thermal, biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal, and landfill gas-fired) 4. Supporting data files, including weather data, and wind energy production data. This volume contains detailed data and analysis for each of wind and other renewables: • Analysis of wind power generation models, • Analysis of wind power degradation.en
dc.titleStatewide 2020 Air Emission Calculations from Wind and Other Renewables VOL IIen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten


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