Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of bovine DNA for the fatty acid-binding protein and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 genes
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Two bovine populations were studied to identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1). The cattle represented purebred Angus (n = 32), and American Wagyu (n = 10). Detection of the bovine SCD1 gene was accomplished by hybridization of a $sp{32}$P-labeled rat SCD1 cDNA to the bovine samples. Hybridization and washing conditions indicated that the rat cDNA probe was not very homologous to the bovine DNA. Digestion of the animals DNA with Taq 1 yielded bands of 19.7 kb, 7.4 kb and 6.6 kb. Separate digestions of the DNA with Pvu II yielded bands of 20 kb and 1.8 kb. A single digest with Eco R1 resulted in a single banding pattern of 8 kb. The results indicate that the Angus cattle tested had greater hot carcass weight and lower intramuscular adipose tissue scored than the American Wagyu when the 7.4 kb allele was present. Presence of the heterozygous allelic form (19.7 kb and 7.4 kb) produced greater saturated fatty acid development in the Angus and unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in the American Wagyu cattle. Heifers had a greater amount of intramuscular adipose tissue and less hot carcass weight than steers in the study with Angus cattle of different phenotypes. The SCD1 gene probe produces results that are positive for many traits at this time and further research needs to be completed before final determination is made as to its use in a selection program.
Major food science and technology, Cattle, Genetics, DNA, Fatty acid-binding proteins