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dc.contributor.advisorBallinger, R. H.
dc.creatorDjos, Matts Gilman
dc.description.abstractTo Robert Frost the material world manifests itself in a delicate balance or tension between corruption and beauty, light and dark, the minute and the grand, and the chaotic and the ordered. Images of life diminished are as integral with the natural order as images of life regenerated, and decay and renewal and loveliness and severity are complementary opposites that reflect a polarity of life-renewing and life-receding forces. Thus, Frost may recognize a polarity of values in the opposition of man and nature, or he may point out the varied contrasts of beauty and severity that serve to accentuate natural loveliness. Light may be fused with darkness, pain or an underlying tension may be integral with love, and the ephemeral may reflect the enduring. Frost also develops a series of balances or tension between corruption and beauty and between the minute and the grand. Images of severity may grip the natural world with a profound sense of blight and darkness and subdue it to the hard, deathlike, and austere. In contrast, images of beauty may reflect a kind of divine benevolence or prelapsarian simplicity in which life is idealized into pastoral perfection.en
dc.format.extent151 leavesen
dc.rightsThis thesis was part of a retrospective digitization project authorized by the Texas A&M University Libraries. Copyright remains vested with the author(s). It is the user's responsibility to secure permission from the copyright holder(s) for re-use of the work beyond the provision of Fair Use.en
dc.subject.classification1975 Dissertation D626
dc.titleThe polarities and fusions of loveliness and severity and of decay and renewal in the poetry of Robert Frosten
dc.typeThesisen A&M Universityen of Philosophyen
dc.contributor.committeeMemberArcher, S. L.
dc.contributor.committeeMemberBarker, D. G.
dc.contributor.committeeMemberHierth, H. E.
dc.format.digitalOriginreformatted digitalen
dc.publisher.digitalTexas A&M University. Libraries

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