Relationships of public information practices of selected Texas community colleges to content of articles in local newspapers

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate the relationships of public information practices of Texas community colleges, as perceived by the college presidents, to the content of news articles about the colleges which appeared in local newspapers. An effort was made to determine if providing for conditions which are accepted as being descriptive of a sound public information program assures that the news releases which are disseminated will have desirable characteristics. Procedure: A public information practices survey instrument and a system for recording content data from newspaper articles about educational institutions were developed. Data for the study consisted of the perceptions of 20 presidents of community colleges in Texas as to degree of conformity of their programs to items on the survey instrument (21 items including total score) and 29 content items recorded during the reading of all articles about the colleges in approximately 100 issues of local daily newspapers. Descriptive data which contribute to an understanding of the public information programs of the colleges were obtained from a general information section in the survey instrument and from the college catalogs. ...


