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dc.creatorKalina, A. I.
dc.creatorLeibowitz, H. M.
dc.description.abstractFor any given heat source, only a portion of the thermal energy may be converted into useful work. The amount of energy which may be converted from any form into mechanical energy is referred to as exergy. The ratio of the system's mechanical work to the exergy of the heat source is referred to as exergetical or thermodynamic efficiency. As heat sources vary in their temperature and heat exchange process, there is a particular thermodynamic cycle that best fits each system's border conditions. The Kalina cycle technology seeks to develop a set of systems and cycles with which to optimize a particular heat source; e.g., coal, geothermal, waste heat, nuclear, etc.en
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (
dc.subjectKalina Cycle Technologyen
dc.titleSystem Design and Experimental Development of the Kalina Cycle Technologyen

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