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dc.creatorBoubekri, M.
dc.creatorAtif, M. R.
dc.creatorBoyer, L. L.
dc.description.abstractEmpirically based preliminary prediction algorithms were recently developed for different atrium types under various diffuse sky conditions. In the case of toplighted atriums, these algorithms were developed to predict light levels on the horizontal floor and on the vertical wall surfaces of the atrium. However, the actual building atriums measured to assess these algorithms in a full-scale setting were four stories high or lower. This study presents an investigation of the validity of the developed algorithms using full-scale measurements in two four-sided toplighted atriums 11 and 14 stories high respectively. The measurements were made over several days in the two large atriums of the Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas. These data are compared with the algorithm predictions, and the usefulness of the prediction models is discussed.en
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (
dc.publisherTexas A&M University (
dc.titleValidation of the Algorithms Developed for Preliminary Prediction of Daylight Distribution in a Toplighted Atriumen
dc.contributor.sponsorTexas A&M University

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