Now showing items 53-72 of 346

    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Five color photographs of Castela erecta, (also known as goatbush), an evergreen shrub from the Quassia family found on better-drained soils, usually on bluffs, ridges, and ravines.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Castilleja indivisa, (also known as indian paintbrush), an annual or perennial flowering plant from the Figwort family found in sandy prairies or openings.
    • Celtis 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Celtis, (also known as hackberry, spiny hackberry, or Texas sugarberry), a deciduous or evergreen tree or shrub from the Elm family found on various soils in pastures, woods, and prairies, or along ...
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Celtis pallida, (also known as spiny hackberry), an evergreen shrub or tree from the Elm family found on various soils in brushy pastures or scattered on prairies.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Centaurea americana (also known as basketflower or cardo del valle), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found in prairies and openings of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Centaurea melitensis (also known as tocalote), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found on roadsides and in Goliad county.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Cephalanthus occidentalis, (also known as buttonbush), a deciduous shrub from the Madder family found along stream and lake banks or in swales and marshes.
    • Cerastium 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Cerastium (also known as mouse-ears), an annual flowering plant from the Caryophyllaceae family found in prairies, openings, and along roads of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Ceratophyllum (also known as hornwort), a perennial flowering plant from the Ceratophyllaceae family found in the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Ceratophyllum demersum (also known as common hornwort), a perennial flowering plant from the Ceratophyllaceae family found in ponds, specifically in Refugio County.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Chaerophyllum tainturieri (also known as southern chervil), a flowering plant from the Carrot family found in pastures, woods, prairies, and waste places of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Chamaecrista fasciculata, (also known as partridge pea), an annual flowering plant from the Pea family found on sandy soils in prairies, openings, waste places, and dunes along the coast.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Chamaesaracha coronopus, (also known as false nightshade), a perennial flowering plant from the Nightshade family found on sandy or clayey loams in openings or along roads.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Chloroleucon ebano, (also known as Texas ebony), an evergreen tree from the Pea family found in brushy pastures on sandy loam or clay.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Cirsium horridulum (also known as bull thistle), a biennial or perennial flowering plant from the Aster family found on deep sands in prairies and openings of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Cirsium texanum (also known as Texas thistle), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found in prairies, openings, and waste places and along roads of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Seven color photographs of Cissus incisa, (also known as possum grape or marine ivy), a perennial vine from the Grape family found on various soils in pastures and woods.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Seven color photographs of Clematis drummondii, (also known as old-man's beard), a flowering plant from the Buttercup family found on sandy and clayey loams or caliche in pastures and woods.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Cnidoscolus texanus, (also known as bull nettle), a perennial flowering plant from the Spurge family found on deep sands in prairies and openings and on island dunes.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Cocculus diversifolius (also known as correhuela), an evergreen vine from the Moonseed family found in pastures and woods on various soils.