Now showing items 13-32 of 346

    • Allium 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Allium (also known as wild onion), a flowering plant from the Lily family found in various places of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Allium drummondii (also known as wild onion), a flowering plant from the Lily family found on heavier sands, clay, or caliche.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Allowissadula lozanii (also known as false indian mallow), a perennial flowering plant from the Mallow family found on better-drained sandy and clayey loams or caliche in pastures and woods.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Alophia drummondii (also known as purple nymph), a perennial flowering plant from the Iris family often found on sandy soils in prairies and openings.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Aloysia gratissima, (also known as whitebrush), a deciduous shrub from the Verbena family found in brushy pastures on various soils.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Aloysia macrostachya, (also known as vara dulce), a deciduous shrub from the Verbena family found on caliche or dry sand in brushy pastures.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Amaranthus, an annual plant from the Amaranth family.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Amblyolepis setigera (also known as huisache daisy), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found in prairies and openings of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Ammoselinum butleri (also known as sand parsley), an edible flowering plant from the carrot family found on various soils in prairies, openings, and along roads.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Amphiachyris (also known as broomweed), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found in prairies, openings, and waste places and near the coast or streams of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Amyris 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Amyris texana, also known as lantrisco), an evergreen shrub from the Citrus family found on sandy loam or clay in brushy thickets.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Five color photographs of Anagallis arvensis, (also known as pimpernel), an annual flowering plant from the Primrose family found in prairies, fields, and waste places and along roads.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Ancistrocactus (also known as fish hook cactus), a flowering plant from the Cactus family found northeast of Orange Grove.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Anemone berlandieri, a perennial flowering plant from the Buttercup family found in sandy and clayey openings and prairies.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Five color photographs of Anredera leptostachys (also known as maderia vine), a perennial vine from the Madeira Vine family found in pastures or low woods of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Aphanostephus riddellii (also known as lazy daisy), a perennial flowering plant from the Aster family found in pastures and woods of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Hollis, James (Texas A&M University Press, 2000)
    • Argemone 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Argemone, (also known as prickly poppy), an annual flowering plant from the Poppy family found on various soils in the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photgraphs of Argemone mexicana, (also known as cardo santo or chicalote), an annual flowering plant from the Poppy family found in waste places and along roads.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Five color photographs of Argemone sanguinea, (also known as prickly poppy), an annual flowering plant from the Poppy family found in sandy prairies and other open grounds.