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dc.creatorChen, H.
dc.creatorDeng, S.
dc.creatorBruner, H.
dc.creatorGarcia, J.
dc.description.abstractHumidity control and mold in buildings has become an increasingly important problem. Once a building has experience mold growth on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces, it does not take longterm exposure to moisture for mold to re-grow in the building. Some commercial buildings on the Texas A&M University (TAMU) campus have suffered with humidity problems for many years. The Continuous Commissioning (CCSM) group of the Energy Systems Lab in collaboration with the Utilities Office of Energy Management, and the TAMU Physical Plant, was dispatched to perform Continuous Commissioning on these commercial buildings in order to find viable solutions to the humidity problem. The CC group performed extensive field tests and analysis on building air handling unit (AHU), exhaust systems, building construction, and the Energy Management Control System (EMCS). Based on the field studies and analysis, a four-category (Design, construction, building retrofits and alterations, and poor maintenance) system was set up to classify sources for high humidity problems. This paper presents the investigation and follow-up efforts, which identified reasons and corrective measures for the high humidity levels in these buildings, turning these inefficient and humid commercial buildings into comfortable environments. Recommendations for dealing with such possible problems are provided.en
dc.format.extent49943 bytesen
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (
dc.publisherTexas A&M University (
dc.titleRoots of Mold Problems and Humidity Control Measures in Institutional Buildings with Pre-Existing Mold Conditionen

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