Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Texas Wildlife Damage Management Service (2004-06-28)
      Dens or holes dug by badgers can be a hazard to livestock, horseback riders and machinery. Badgers can be controlled by trapping, shooting, habitat modification or frightening them away with bright lights.
    • Texas Wildlife Damage Management Service (2004-06-28)
      The physical characteristics and habitats of jackrabbits and cottontails are described in this publication, as well as the damage caused by each. Control methods, such as habitat control, fencing, trapping, poisoning and ...
    • Texas Wildlife Damage Management Service (2008-04-15)
      Several species of woodpeckers, flickers and sapsuckers live in Texas. They can be destructive when they drill holes in wooden structures. This publication discusses various controls and alternative methods for eliminating ...