Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Rampuria, Neha
      Echo Cancer Center is a project that will give architects an opportunity to design for the greater good and retrieve their relevance in an increasingly commercialized profession. This project provides enhanced care and a ...
    • Li, Yizhao
      One in every eight people have experienced breast cancer. This project focuses on a real site in Dallas, Texas, that serves to reduce stress for patients during treatment in breast cancer facilities.
    • Liu, Xuan
      In an effort to bring additional capacity to Parkland Women's Services, and to consolidate the service scope of contemporary breast cancer care. An architecture expansion program is introduced in the book. The associated ...
    • Wang, Xinlu
      Breast cancer is currently the second most common fatal disease for women in the US. Breast cancer patients may experience much stress every time they go to the breast cancer center. Patients' family members and friends ...
    • Li, Yangzao
      The project name is THE POWER OF NATURE. The topic of the project is an Outpatient Care Center located in a sanatorium resort, which focuses on providing concierge medicine for VIP clients all over the world through ...
    • Orpinel, Darrion
      Traditionally, the well-being of animals and humans are kept as far away as possible, but what happens when these two types of facilities get close to one another? The One Health Model tackles exactly that by bringing ...
    • Gajera, Surilkumar
      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated in 2019 that every year the U.S. receives 130 million patients in emergency department visits. Out of which 16.2 million patients visits result in hospital admissions ...
    • Ali, Joseph
      If you take a look at the County Health Rankings you will see that Morris County ranks 242 out of 244 in overall health. Morris County lacks recreational facilities, has a doctor : patient ratio of 1"6300, lacks access to ...
    • Ravada, Haritha
      Being an architect was always something I was proud of, and I see it as a means to give back to the society. Architecture can change and influence ones life tremendously to create betterment and excellence. Likewise, ...
    • Reyes, Katie
      There is a unique relationship between nature, health, and architecture. I believe that architecture if designed to do so may aid to elevate people’s physical and mental health. Similarly, nature has been proven to reduce ...