Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Cooper, John T.; Masterson, Jaimie Hicks; Thapa, Jeewasmi; Reid, Russell; Teal, Mike; Perkins, Blaine; Davis, Michelle; Peraza, Raul; Bui, Thu; Specht, Kendall; Hernandez, Charly; Schafer, Clifford; Valkovich, Shannon; Ellegood, Emory; Lagunes, Mayda; Kao, Lilian; Torres, Sergio; Sanders, Bailey; Huffman, Logan; Gonzalez, Ismael; Marsh, Wyatt; Luo, Eldon; Luna, Veronica; Bush, Megan; Kwiatkowski, Antoni; Martinez, Damaris; Copeland, Cayce; Yoon, Euntaek; Diaz, Catalino; Cruz, Johan; Santana, Jorge; Larkam, Matthew; Olivares, Mauricio; Birdsong, Louis; Nash, Mandy; Somerville, Natalie; Jasti, Sanjana; Easton, Emily; Muhammaddi, Raquibbi; Garcia, Brandi; Powell, Wayne; Burke, Karina; Kelly, Philip (2018-03-02)
      This planning document presents the revitalization plan for downtown El Campo, Texas. This document was developed by Texas Target Communities (TTC) in partnership with the City of El Campo. The City of El Campo collaborated ...
    • Arenas, Alberto; Andreotti, Andy; Ferrell, Blair; Monsivaiz, Cameron; McCreary, Colin; Easton, Emily; Guarnere, Harley; Toriz, Jorge; Makatura, Kayla; Schulze, Lauren; Metske, Madison; Pohlmeyer, Marissa; Finley, Michael; Dedear, Nathan; Wooten, Rachel; Trust, Samantha; Florence, Stephen; Powell, Wayne; Juarez, Alex; Patricia, Angela; Kleveland, Benjamin; Chunga, Carlo; Hixson, Conner; Sullivan, Emily; Schwarz, Hunter; Semien, Joy; Ferrell, Kirbie; Lopez, Leo; Wavra, Madison; Florence, Matthew; Rico, Milton; Dias, Nicole; Muhammaddi, Raquibbi; Prybutok, Sara; Kim, Sungkeun; Harris, William; Cooper, John T.; Hicks Masterson, Jaimie; Thapa, Jeewasmi; Berke, Philip; Goddard, Tara; Eisele, Bill; Reid, Russell; Teal, Mike; Bardenhagen, Eric; Parks, Allison; Chapparo, Angelica; Kozub, Bobby; Nelson, Chris; Pieratt, Connor; Perkins, Emmilea; DeLa Rosa, Ivonne; Chu, Kai; Hurta, Konnor; Brandt, Lexi; Jimenez, Malinali; Hunter, Mattie; Rainey, Monica; Tataria, Niti; Kim, Richard; Bergman, Sarah; Lucas, Timothy; Negusse, Yafet; Calabrese, Andrew; Salazar, Augustine; Garcia, Brandi; Davila, Christopher; Douglas, Daniel; Liu, Han; Rubio, Jesica; Gibbon, Kaitlin; Karmarkar, Kshitija; Arauz, Luis; Thiagaraja, Manasvini; Fletcher, Megan; Valenzuela, Nancy; Han, Noori; Kozub, Robert; Lee, Seungdong; Lanza, Tristan; Sikes, Andrew; Ochoa, Barrett; Fisher, Brett; Mcclellen, Clint; Khuat, Daniel; Kastor, Hannah; Turner, Jon; Vo, Kara; Waller, Laura; Hunter, Madelina; Harutunian, Mariam; Bish, Michael; Han, Nata; Kolupski, Paige; Hudson, Sam; Stockstill, Shelby; Retzloff, Tyler (Texas A&M University, 2018)
      La Grange Comprehensive Plan 2018 - 2038 provides a guide for the future growth of the City. This document was developed by Texas Target Communities in partnership with the City of La Grange.
    • Gonzalez, Cristian; Ramirez-Avila, Rubi; Randolph, Lauren; Molina, Daniel; Hammond, Phillip; Soh, Iris; Meza, Leticia; Presely, Laura; Gonzalez, Kourtney; Yanez, Francisca; Zhu, Dennis; Gaughan, Claire; Pool, Claudia; Steen, Kevin; Ruiz, Laura; Sanchez, Maritza; Morkovsky, Molly; Parker, Alaina; Valdez, Joseph; Hugo-Duron, Victor; Kerr, Shawn; Ngo, Vanessa; Reid, Russell; Teal, Mike; Cooper, John T. Jr.; Masterson, Jaimie Hicks (2016-05-12)
      The Class of '69 worked with one landscape architecture course to develop a redesign of a plaza on campus to focus attention to the Aggie traditions of muster and silver taps.