Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Piazza, Caroline Yang
      When was the last time you did something for the first time? The goal of the Dare to Be First campaign is to inspire girls and women to be trailblazers by seeing how historical female figures from the past rose above to ...
    • Benavides, Maria
      In this paper, I will be applying María Lugones theory of “World-Traveling”, “Arrogant Perception”, and “Decolonial Feminism” to the experiences of minority faculty-specifically women faculty of color- in American institutions ...
    • Simmons, Zoe Renee (2021-05-03)
      Through the frameworks of feminist and Marxist theory and the case study of Susana Remerata Blackwell, I aim to redefine the relationship of Filipina marriage migrants to capitalism by arguing that their skill of domesticity ...