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dc.creatorFarzad, M.
dc.creatorO'Neal, D. L.
dc.description.abstractThe energy use of the Supreme Court and Attorney General buildings in Austin, Texas was analyzed using the D0E-2.1B building energy simulation program. An analysis was made for each building as specified in the building plans and the specifications provided by the State Purchasing and General Services Commission. The proposed construction of the Supreme Court and Attorney General buildings reflect improvements in energy use over buildings built several years ago. The energy consumption of these buildings were compared with the energy consumption of the buildings modified to comply with the ASHRAE standards. The net reduction of 44% in energy use was obtained using the ASHRAE standards.en
dc.format.extent23095709 bytesen
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (, Texas A&M University
dc.publisherDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
dc.rightsAll rights reserved by the Energy Systems Laboratory of Texas A&M and the authors.en
dc.subjectenergy simulationen
dc.titleEnergy Analysis and Energy Conservation Options for the Supreme Court and Attorney General Buildings Final Report, Prepared for the Energy Efficiency Division, Texas Public Utility Commissionen

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