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Annual Report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Sept. 2003 to Aug. 2004

dc.creatorHaberl, J. S.
dc.creatorCulp, C.
dc.creatorYazdani, B.
dc.creatorGilman, D.
dc.creatorFitzpatrick, T.
dc.creatorMuns, S.
dc.creatorVerdict, M.
dc.creatorAhmad, M.
dc.creatorLiu, Z.
dc.creatorBaltazar-Cervantes, J. C.
dc.creatorBryant, J.
dc.creatorDegelman, L. O.
dc.creatorTurner, W. D.
dc.descriptionThe Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP), established by the 77th Texas Legislature with the enactment of Senate Bill 5 (SB 5), identified that EE/RE measures may make an important contribution for meeting the minimum federal ambient air quality standards. The 78th Legislature further enhanced the use of EE/RE programs for meeting TERP goals by requiring the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to promote the use of EE/RE as a way of meeting the federal air quality standards and to develop a methodology for computing emissions reduction for the State Implementation Plan (SIP) from EE/RE programs.en
dc.descriptionThe report appendicies are contained in Volume III which is not published online. The files can be downloaded upon request by contacting SherrieHughes@tees.tamus.eduen
dc.description.abstractThe Energy Systems Laboratory, in fulfillment of its responsibilities under Texas Health and Safety Code Ann. § 388.003 (e), Vernon Supp. 2002, submits its third annual report, Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy (EE/RE) Impact in the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The report is organized in three volumes. Volume 1 – Summary Report, provides an executive summary with key areas summarized; Volume II – Technical Report, provides a detailed report of activities, methodologies and findings; Volume III – Technical Appendix, contains detailed data from simulations for each of the forty-one counties included in the analysis.en
dc.format.extent76384 bytesen
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (, Texas A&M University
dc.rightsAll rights reserved by the Energy Systems Laboratory of Texas A&M and the authors.en
dc.subjectSenate Bill 5en
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectemissions reductionen
dc.subjectrenewable energyen
dc.titleEnergy Efficiency / Renewable Energy Impact in the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP), Vol. I – Summary Reporten
dc.titleAnnual Report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Sept. 2003 to Aug. 2004en

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