A Multiscale, Multifaceted Approach to Understanding Water Resources Planning and Management

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Managing water to provide for human and environmental needs is of paramount importance requiring the integration of biophysical, environmental, and social sciences. Further challenges to water management are presented by the uncertainties of climate change, population growth, urbanization, loss of agricultural land and desertification. These challenges exist at international, national, regional, state, and local levels. This dissertation explores three segments of water resources planning at regional, state, and local scales to better understand how planning is, and may be used to solve water management conflicts and achieve goals. Given the uncertainty of the magnitude with which climate change will impact our water resources it is important to understand how those already experiencing its effects plan for the future. An in-depth evaluation of climate change considerations in western state water plans is performed and ranking reveals that some states are taking greater precautions than others. At the state level citizen participation in, and support for financing water resources projects is assessed through Texas’ water funding referendum process which asks citizens to approve the sale of general obligation bonds which are then used to finance water projects in the state. Despite the dominance of fiscally conservative Republicans in the state, who would be expected to defeat these amendments, all seven amendments evaluated were ultimately passed thus demonstrating an understanding of the importance of financing water projects. Lastly at the local scale a demand management strategy focused on outdoor water conservation in public landscapes is introduced. As water governance shifts to small-scale projects and policies, local involvement becomes even more important. By determining the conservation potential of parks and recreational spaces and calling attention to good and bad practices cities can save water while also encouraging citizens to do the same. Water is essential and must be managed in such a manner that recognizes this fact. Achieving society’s overall water management goals is going to require understanding of and participation in water resources planning.



Water planning, water management, climate change, water conservation, irrigation, water policy

