Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Redelmeier, Daniel (2012-07-16)
      We examine the amalgamated free product of hyperfinite von Neumann algebras. First we describe the amalgamated free product of hyperfinite von Neumann algebras over finite dimensional subalgebras. In this case the result ...
    • Lu, Ming (2014-12-06)
      The primary goal of this research is to develop statistical methods to determine if observed real responses are adequately modeled by (possibly stochastic) simulation models that incorporate first-order autoregressive ...
    • Rainone, Timothy (2015-08-11)
      This work explores the interplay of C*-dynamics and K-theory. More precisely, we study the extent to which various forms of finite-dimensional approximation properties of a topological nature, witnessed in reduced C*-crossed ...
    • Cameron, Jan Michael (2010-10-12)
      For an inclusion N \subseteq M of finite von Neumann algebras, we study the group of normalizers N_M(B) = {u: uBu^* = B} and the von Neumann algebra it generates. In the first part of the dissertation, we focus on the ...
    • Hamm, Keaton P (2015-06-26)
      We consider the interpolatory theory of bandlimited functions at both the integer lattice and at more general point sets in Rd by forming interpolants which lie in the linear span of translates of a single Radial Basis ...
    • Noles, Joseph Clarke (2017-12-14)
      A classical theorem of Issai Schur states that any n×n matrix is unitarily equivalent to an upper-triangular matrix, and hence can be decomposed as the sum of a normal matrix and a nilpotent matrix. Dykema, Sukochev and ...
    • Chan, Wai (2015-05-27)
      Given two von Neumann algebras M and N acting on the same Hilbert space, d(M;N) is defined to be the Hausdor distance between their unit balls. The Kadison-Kastler problem asks whether two sufficiently close von Neumann ...
    • Fuselier, Edward J., Jr. (Texas A&M University, 2007-09-17)
      Radial basis functions (RBFs) are probably best known for their applications to scattered data problems. Until the 1990s, RBF theory only involved functions that were scalar-valued. Matrix-valued RBFs were subsequently ...
    • Bailey, Benjamin Aaron (2012-10-19)
      The focus of this dissertation is the interpolation and approximation of multivariate bandlimited functions via sampled (function) values. The first set of results investigates polynomial interpolation in connection with ...
    • Causey, Ryan Michael (2014-08-07)
      We investigate the relationship between two notions, one which refers to a coordinate system and one which does not, of asymptotic domination by subsequences of a fixed basis. We use this relationship to prove the existence ...
    • Zhang, Weimin (Texas A&M University, 2006-10-30)
      Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (MPLSM) is an advanced fluorescence imaging technology which can produce a less noisy microscope image and minimize the damage in living tissue. The MPLSM image in this research is the ...
    • Freeman, Daniel B. (2010-10-12)
      We study the relationship of dominance for sequences and trees in Banach spaces. In the context of sequences, we prove that domination of weakly null sequences is a uniform property. More precisely, if $(v_i)$ is a ...