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dc.creatorBaaske, Benjamin
dc.creatorWarden, Robert
dc.description.abstractThe presentation of heritage sites is critically important to the perception of historical narratives. A key goal is to help both scholars and the general public to see heritage as dynamic and living. This project explores the visualization of archaeological excavations through preservation technologies, specifically photogrammetric data. Our study focuses on a patio group at the Maya site of Xno’ha (occupation dates range from the Late Preclassic to the Terminal Classic) in northern Belize, and the current excavation and photogrammetric documentation of three structures (32, 33, and 34). Sequential photogrammetry was conducted throughout the entire stratigraphic excavation of Structure 34’s unit, resulting in 9 layers of photogrammetric documentation. The same process was applied to a chultun feature (single chamber) at Structure 33, creating 18 layers of photogrammetric data at regular intervals. For Structure 32, a single-phase, 3D model was generated, successfully stitching the above-ground unit to its corresponding, subterranean chultun (three chambers). Additionally, photogrammetry was used to create a plan view of the patio group area, and to create wall elevations. This methodical documentation of the process of excavation, in the span of months, records a three-dimensional time-lapse dialing back architectural conditions of the site hundreds of years.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesen
dc.subjectdigital heritageen
dc.subjectlaser scanningen
dc.subjectpostdigital heritageen
dc.titleXno'ha Digital Survey 2017en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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