Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Blando, Frank J. (1981)
      This report concludes a year of investigative research in artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science in which recreating human behavior in machines is the main subject; the field is ...
    • Potts, Davin (1995)
      The simplest description of propagators is this: propagators are tools for solving differential equations. Solutions to the differential equations we will be discussing are functions. If one knows a solution at a particular ...
    • Krumvieda, Clifford D. (1989)
      Three-dimensional binary represenations of continuous objects are analyzed for shape properties. Theoretical results are descibed that suggest a method for developing three-dimensional shape measures. New shape measures ...
    • Collins, Charles R. (1984)
      This paper considers models of physical phenomena, in particular models from population dynamics. The main model of concern is a combination of two previously developed models: the model of non-linear age dependent population ...
    • Pas, Michael F. (1982)
      A rational function is defined as the ratio of two polynomials. The Pade approximant (PM,N) is a special kind of rational function. Basically, the Pade approximant of the power series expansion of a function f(z), (z ∈ φ) ...
    • Phipps, Charles (1991)
      The general field of pattern recognition is discussed with emphasis on the development of AMOEBA, a two dimensional digital clustering program, into a three dimensional program. Moreover, a program analyzing phenyl rings ...
    • Hinrichs, Lisa Ninette (1978)
      Mathematicians use divided difference equations to solve problems which have only a discrete set of possible values. This research is concerned with the application of difference equations to curve fitting data by means ...