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dc.creatorByler, Scott
dc.creatorCooper, John T. Jr.
dc.creatorVan Zandt, Shannon S.
dc.creatorMasterson, Jaimie Hicks
dc.creatorTedford, Emily
dc.descriptionA housing quality study was conducted to evaluate the current housing stock in the City of La Grange. It was found that the majority of housing is maintained or well maintained and that although the City has an older housing stock, it is very well taken care of. There has been no new residential construction since 2010 and the vacancy rate for owner occupied households is at zero percent. Housing tenure patterns show that many residents moved into their homes during the period of 2000 to 2009 and growth has continued since then. Housing is affordable within the City, especially for owner occupied households. The City is however, lacking in housing options for renters and the elderly.en
dc.description.abstractThe City of La Grange has been experiencing growth at a higher rate than expected in the City’s comprehensive plan. Due to this, the City is nearing build out capacity and housing has become limited. Local real estate agents and developers have expressed concern to the City in regards to the limited housing options for their clients. In response, the City contacted Texas Target Communities at Texas A&M University to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to provide an inventory of current housing, identify future demand, and explore other possible housing related issues and, or concerns for the area.en
dc.description.sponsorshipTexas Target Communitiesen
dc.publisherTexas A&M University
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universalen
dc.subjectLa Grangeen
dc.subjectHousing Needsen
dc.titleLa Grange, Texas Housing Needs Assessmenten
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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