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dc.creatorNimbalker, S.
dc.creatorMartin, M.
dc.description.abstractEnergy efficiency is foundational to the creation of a clean energy economy. Recent studies have speculated on the size of job creation opportunities in the clean energy field, but many of those studies have not adequately involved companies in the energy efficiency industry. The DOE’s IAC program is an important federal effort which provides a steady stream of top young engineers into energy efficiency careers, helps small/medium sized manufacturers save energy and copes with the enormous recent increases in fuel costs; and develops energy efficiency expertise in faculty at our top engineering schools. Workforce issues in energy are big and getting bigger. IAC program helps with the ITP goals of establishing relevant “Intellectual Capital” and developing certified practitioners.en
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory
dc.titleDOE's Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) Program: Results and Benefitsen

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