Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Belisle, Michael Joseph (2013-11-08)
      This work describes and compares processes for swept-wing laminar flow control (SWLFC) aerody-namic design. It focuses on results obtained during the preliminary outer-mold-line (OML) design of the Subsonic Aircraft ...
    • Roberts, Matthew William (2012-07-16)
      The aerodynamic benefits of laminar flow have long made it a sought-after attribute in aircraft design. By laminarizing portions of an aircraft, such as the wing or empennage, significant reductions in drag could be ...
    • Williams, Thomas 1987- (2012-08-23)
      Laminar flow control holds major promise for increasing aircraft efficiency and increasing laminar flow over aerodynamic surfaces could decrease drag by up to 30 percent. The Flight Research Lab at Texas A&M University has ...
    • Tucker, Aaron 1975- (2012-11-29)
      Demonstration of spanwise-periodic discrete roughness element laminar flow control (DRE LFC) technology at operationally relevant flight regimes requires extremely stable flow conditions in flight. A balance must be struck ...