Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Mashburn, Jacob W (2022-07-10)
      From the standpoint of non-commutative probability, we investigate operators over Fock spaces whose behavior on one level depends only on two of its neighbors. This behavior can be interpreted using the combinatorics of ...
    • Mukherjee, Kunal K. (2010-10-12)
      The measure-multiplicity-invariant for masas in II_1 factors was introduced by Dykema, Smith and Sinclair to distinguish masas that have the same Pukanszky invariant. In this dissertation, the measure class (left-right-measure) ...
    • Cameron, Jan Michael (2010-10-12)
      For an inclusion N \subseteq M of finite von Neumann algebras, we study the group of normalizers N_M(B) = {u: uBu^* = B} and the von Neumann algebra it generates. In the first part of the dissertation, we focus on the ...
    • Chan, Wai (2015-05-27)
      Given two von Neumann algebras M and N acting on the same Hilbert space, d(M;N) is defined to be the Hausdor distance between their unit balls. The Kadison-Kastler problem asks whether two sufficiently close von Neumann ...