Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Seaver, Kirsten A. (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2006-02-14)
      This article discusses David Y. Allen, "The So-Called Velasco Map: A Case of Forgery?" (Coordinates, Series A, no. 5).
    • Allen, David Y. (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2005-10-05)
      This article reviews the recent history of journal publishing in the the fields of cartography, GIS, history of cartography, and related subjects. The impact of the Internet and Web-based publishing on cartographic journals ...
    • Valerio, Vladimiro (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2008-06-03)
      his is a very short history of cartography. Notes and links to images are included at the end.
    • Robles Macias, Luis A. (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2010-05-24)
      Previous cartographic studies of the 1500 map by Juan de La Cosa have found substantial and difficult-to-explain errors in latitude, especially for the Antilles and the Caribbean coast. In this study, a mathematical ...
    • Hebert, John R. (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2005-08-29)
      This brief overview of the history of Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 map and its acquisition by the Library of Congress is presented as a complement to John Hessler's article, "Warping Waldseemüller: A Cartometric Study of ...
    • Monmonier, Mark (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2005-01-31)
      A 99-page 1947 State Department report discovered in the NOAA Central Library summarized sixty map-related regulations issued by the German government between July 1934 and June 1944. Although the Third Reich pursued ...
    • Haque, Shaila Sabrina (Texas A&M University, 2008-10-10)
      This research develops a technique focused on shading and texturing, with an emphasis on line work and color, to emulate the unique qualities of copperplate line-engraving from 16th century cartography. A visual analysis ...
    • Allen, David Y. (ALA Map and Geography Round Table, 2006-02-14)
      This article examines a well-known map of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada allegedly made in or around 1610. The map was uncovered in the Spanish Archives at Simancas in 1887. Supposedly, it is a copy ...