Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Cooper, John; Masterson, Jaimie Hicks; Thapa, Jeewasmi; Eisele, Bill; English, Garrett; Singh, Gargi; Praneeth, Sai; Kartikeya, Jha; Chen, Qikun (Texas A&M University, 2017-04-24)
      This thoroughfare plan is a long-term plan that identifies both the location and type of roadway facilities to meet the needs of projected growth within the county. The growth includes population, economy, and other factors ...
    • Haile, Kelly (2012-10-19)
      The Big Thicket National Preserve is located in the southern part of the United States. It is within the Pineywoods vegetation region of southeastern Texas. This study area was the Canyonlands Unit, a unit located entirely ...