Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Hendranata, Yongki (2018-05-03)
      Air conditioning and refrigeration systems for cooling and dehumidification are some of the largest consumers of energy with most of the systems using electricity or fossil fuels to operate. Additionally, refrigeration ...
    • Hill, F.; Edwards, R.; Levermore, G. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2012)
      Supermarkets use 3 percent of UK energy. To satisfy building regulations supermarket buildings are modeled in considerable detail. Lighting, occupancy, and small electrical energy impacts are included in this modeling. ...
    • Dazeley, J. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2012)
      Supermarkets use nationally significant quantities of energy with an average store exceeding 600 kWh/m2 pa. The reason is simple. The design of these stores is to maximise sales and minimise initial costs. Energy costs are ...