Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Allen, William J; Lindsey, Zachary Peter
      This research aims to investigate the impact of various Neural Architectures (NAs) on the performance of machine learning models in the context of the deterministic game of Othello, with the goal of providing insights into ...
    • Chen, Yi Wei (2022-12-10)
      Machine learning has succeeded in real-world applications from image classification, speech recognition, to beating human champion in Go games. To accelerate the development of different ap-plications, automated machine ...
    • Wang, Ting-Hsiang (2022-06-21)
      Recommender systems are highly specialized to handle specific data and tasks. For example, Neural Collaborative Filtering [1] takes the implicit interaction between user and item IDs as the input data for the rating ...
    • King, Ryan
      Neural Architecture Search has led to the discovery of novel neural network architectures that are capable of outperforming expertly designed architectures with fewer resource requirements at deployment time. This has lead ...
    • Reji, John Mathai (2020-07-30)
      Monte Carlo REINFORCE is used to design an algorithm to not only find the optimal deep learning architecture but also the optimal set of features that can maximize the performance of the said deep learning model. The ...
    • Wu, Junru (2023-05-03)
      Deep learning has gained considerable interest due to its record-breaking performance in a variety of different domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, multimodal understanding, etc. Meanwhile, ...