Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Hankins, Rebecca; Anokye, Akua Duku (New York University Press, 2016-03)
      On August 29, 2005 the world witnessed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina as it swept through New Orleans, Louisiana and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi; a natural disaster that will forever be linked to the images of ...
    • Gilcrease, Miranda
      Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory containing a five-tier model of human needs. The needs on the lower level needs to be satisfied before the next level can be attained. Physiological needs are biological ...
    • Bock, Britany
      A natural disaster can hit anywhere and any time. When a community prepares through the use of disaster mitigation, it enables a community to be resilient in the face of adversity. Architecture can play a key role in the ...