Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Michael Kellett
      The Aggie Bonfire was a Texas A&M tradition from 1909 until the last offical one in 1998. "In preparation for the much-anticipated annual football game against "t.u.", as Aggies refer to their rival, the student-built Texas ...
    • Michael Kellett
      The Aggie Bonfire was a Texas A&M tradition from 1909 until the last offical one in 1998. "In preparation for the much-anticipated annual football game against "t.u.", as Aggies refer to their rival, the student-built Texas ...
    • Michael Kellett
      The Aggie Bonfire was a Texas A&M tradition from 1909 until the last offical one in 1998. "In preparation for the much-anticipated annual football game against "t.u.", as Aggies refer to their rival, the student-built Texas ...
    • Tsui-Chan, Heung-Heung Audre (Texas A&M University. Libraries, 1983)
      The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of value change in individual Chinese and how these changes related to societal transitions in China under the Communist Regime. The three research questions of the study ...
    • ADS
      A&M's Main Drill Field is a testament to the school's beginnings as a military and academic institution, as well as a symbol of Aggies' service to their state and nation.
    • A. Shepard
      A&M's Main Drill Field is a testament to the school's beginnings as a military and academic institution, as well as a symbol of Aggies' service to their state and nation.
    • Texas A&M University, Graphic Services