Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Enriquez, Jared (2019-04-29)
      As anthropomorphic levels of carbon dioxide continue to rise, it is necessary to implement responsible production practices to minimize the greenhouse gas created in industrial processes. One such process of interest is ...
    • John, T.; Cheek, L. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 1980)
      Almost every industrial operation produces some combustible waste, but conversion of this to useful energy is often more difficult than with other energy recovery projects and requires careful attention to design, operating ...
    • Richardson, G.; Hendrix, W. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 1980)
      With the advent of scarce supplies and rising costs for traditional industrial fuels such as natural gas and fuel oil, a large amount of technical data has been collected and published to encourage their efficient use. ...