Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Diwakaran, Ram Prasad (2012-02-14)
      Modern computer-aided design (CAD) systems have contributed significantly towards product development cycle time reduction and product quality improvement. To enhance the performance of CAD systems engineers must be able ...
    • Mongon, A. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 1984)
      Cogeneration of heat power is today receiving more attention by energy economists and policy makers - The enormous escalation of energy prices over the last decade has made energy efficiency an important economic factor ...
    • Norland, D. L. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 1983)
      The Alliance to Save Energy conducted a study, funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, of industrial and commercial electricity conservation opportunities in the service territory of Arkansas Power and Light Company ...
    • Jackson, C. E. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 1984)
      Conservation of electrical energy and load management can reduce industry's electric bills, conserves natural resources and reduces the need for new generating plants. In recent years, industry has implemented extensive ...
    • Pope, Brandon 1984- (2011-07-15)
      U.S. healthcare costs have experienced unsustainable growth, with expenditures of $2.5 trillion in 2009, and are rising at a rate faster than that of the U.S. economy. A major factor in the cost of the U.S. healthcare ...
    • Li, Jian (2016-12-07)
      This thesis addresses an interdisciplinary problem in the context of engineering, computer science and economics: In a large scale networked system, how can we achieve a desirable equilibrium that benefits the system as a ...
    • Kaufman, N.; Elliot, R. N. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2010)
      Conventional wisdom suggests that financial incentives should be sufficient to spur the installation of combined heat and power (CHP) systems. However, the states with the most CHP development are often not the states with ...