Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Sasongko, Hari (2012-07-16)
      In the Middle East, extended reach horizontal wells (on the order of 25,000 feet of horizontal displacement) are commonly acid stimulated by jetting acid out of drill pipe. The acid is jetted onto the face of the openhole ...
    • Magalhaes, Fellipe Vieira (2009-06-02)
      In low-permeability gas reservoirs, horizontal wells have been used to increase the reservoir contact area, and hydraulic fracturing has been further extending the contact between wellbores and reservoirs. This thesis ...
    • Alahmadi, Hasan Ali H. (2010-10-12)
      Fractured reservoirs have been traditionally idealized using dual-porosity models. In these models, all matrix and fractures systems have identical properties. However, it is not uncommon for naturally fractured reservoirs ...