Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Novak, Sophia Shirazawa
      For domestic violence survivors in the United States, finding help to escape their dangerous circumstances is increasingly difficult. Rural and urban areas alike are incredibly underserved, and victims are turned away ...
    • Batarse, Andrea
      Borderline analyzes the political nature of architecture as a line. Lines define space, creating boundaries. This project studies the international border separating the U.S. and Mexico and current detention practices. ...
    • Gilcrease, Miranda
      Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory containing a five-tier model of human needs. The needs on the lower level needs to be satisfied before the next level can be attained. Physiological needs are biological ...
    • Bock, Britany
      A natural disaster can hit anywhere and any time. When a community prepares through the use of disaster mitigation, it enables a community to be resilient in the face of adversity. Architecture can play a key role in the ...