Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Castaneda, Caitlin Patricia (2022-05-18)
      Stallion fertility is a complex trait, affected by a considerable genetic component. Knowledge about the genetic factors contributing to reduced fertility in stallions is currently limited. The goal of this Dissertation ...
    • McQueen, Cole M (2015-12-10)
      Rhodococcus equi causes pneumonia and extrapulmonary disorders in foals and other immunocompromised animals including people. Although exposure to virulent R. equi is widespread in the environment of foals, only a small ...
    • Ghosh, Sharmila (2014-07-30)
      This is a study of copy number variations (CNVs) in the horse genome to gain knowledge about the role of CNVs in equine biology, and their contribution to complex diseases and disorders. We constructed a 400K whole-genome ...