Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Barney, Bradley (2012-10-19)
      We present techniques for joint modeling of binomial and rank response data using the Bayesian paradigm for inference. The motivating application consists of results from a series of assessments on several primate species. ...
    • Spiegelman, Cliff; Tobin, William A.; James, William D.; Sheather, Simon J.; Wexler, Stuart; Roundhill, D. Max (The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2007)
    • Savchuk, Olga (2010-01-14)
      The statistical properties of cross-validation bandwidths can be improved by choosing an appropriate kernel, which is different from the kernels traditionally used for cross- validation purposes. In the light of this idea, ...
    • Lindsey, Charles D. (2011-08-08)
      The original SMVCIR algorithm was developed by Simon J. Sheather, Joseph W. McKean, and Kimberly Crimin. The dissertation first presents a new version of this algorithm that uses the scaling standardization rather than the ...
    • Glab, Daniel Laurence (2012-07-16)
      In this study we develop a new method for testing the null hypothesis that the predictor function in a canonical link regression model has a prescribed linear form. The class of models, which we will refer to as canonical ...